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Next Event

Event 3 of Tales Untold will take place on 6-8th May 2022 in the Wyldwood at Huntley Wood.

There are 75 player spaces and 50 crew spaces available for the second Event. Player spaces cost £80, Crew spaces cost £25. Payment by PayPal to or contact us for other means of paying.

If you previously booked for Chapter 3 and would still like to attend, please complete the booking confirmation form by the main booking deadline (8th January 2022). If we have not received your response to the booking confirmation form by this deadline, we will release your ticket and issue a full refund.

Player booking is available through this link. Crew booking is available through this link.

Event 3 Deadlines

Existing Booking Confirmation Opens: 4th September 2021
General Booking Re-Opens: 11th September 2021
Main Booking Deadline: 8th January 2022
Character / Realm Submission Deadline: 5th March 2022
Late Booking / Cancellation Deadline: 2nd April 2022

Getting there

Directions to Huntley Wood can be found on their website at Please follow these, not your SatNav as the area is not covered by all map software.

If arriving by car, follow the road to the right where you'll be directed to OC camping (after signing in at the Check-in desk). Your cars will need to remain in the car park at the entrance.

There is a 5mph speed limit around the site. Breaking this is grounds for immediate expulsion from the site.


We will be unable to provide indoor accommodation except in the absolute necessity for this event (contact us at if this will be the case).

Everyone will need to camp. Camping will be Out of Character. Huntley Wood provide a Tent Hire service on their website - please liaise with us at if you wish to do this!

There are toilets and showers toward the IC area with constant electricity - anyone heading to the main building for these reasons will of course be presumed OC.


Catering will be being provided by Conspiracy Catering. The cost of food will be included in the Ticket Price, so please specify any dietary requirements when making your booking.

Booked Attendees

As per our Safe Community Policy, here is a list of people who are currently booked to attend Chapter 3:

Crew (12/50)

  • Katie M (Head Ref)
  • Anna M (Head Ref)
  • Judith M (Magic Ref)
  • Rachel D (Ops Ref)
  • Tegwen H (Conquest Ref)
  • Em C
  • Emily R
  • Katie L
  • Matthew O
  • Rose R
  • Sabina M
  • Verity-Louise S

Players (30/75)

  • Adam G
  • Adrian A
  • Alice T
  • Amy A
  • Anthony H
  • Charlotte W-S
  • Edward M
  • Elynor K
  • Georgina H
  • Iain D
  • James Go
  • James W
  • Katherine R
  • Kay S
  • Matthew A
  • Mike C
  • Mike D-E
  • Ninfa S
  • Peter W
  • Reesha D-E
  • Richard D
  • Richard M
  • Rory M
  • Rosie W
  • Simara P
  • Simon V
  • Stephen B-S
  • Susannah C
  • Tara M
  • Tim K
  • Zac S
next_event.1631959405.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/18 10:03 by katie