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State of the World for Chapter 7

Since Camelot opened its doors again, many things have come to light in the world - many events have become well known amongst the people. This page details commonly known information that came to light during the last meeting at Camelot. You may choose how much or how little of this you know in character; this page is presented to provide opportunity to know about these things, rather than being a reading list to join the game!

See State of the World for Chapter 6 for past information.

We also present the following pages of information about the World - if you can't find what you're looking for here, try these pages:

The Age of Strife Ends, The Age of Tales Untold Begins

Following the arrival of strange people from the “Lost Worlds”, the being called Behemoth urged for the construction of Gateways to the Lost Worlds in order to save its “children”.

These Gateways required:

  • A Territory to be ceded to the Lost World in question.
  • An Anchor of sufficient importance from the Lost World to be gated to - either an object, a ritual, or a person.
  • The equivalent power of Seven Defining Moments.

Behemoth promised that if Seven Gateways were built it would significantly relieve the load on its back. Despite concerns from the avatar of Magic, the Gateways were constructed (to Thule, to the Elegant Harmony, to Dream, to Tomorrow, to the Court of Knives and Shadows, and to the Meister). Shortly after, the servant Unimportant became possessed by Behemoth and announced Conquest Results during which it was revealed that the world had been altered to bring an end to the Age of Strife by the people of the Hundred Realms.

However, Behemoth followed up by announcing that from the Gateways, the Lost Stories were flooding out into the world and doing with it what they wished. Tomorrow monsters were rampaging, vast tracts of land were taken by the Harmony and the Court of Knives and Shadows, and the Meister had completely redrawn the map where he had influence. Behemoth announced that this drew in the Age of Tales Untold.

Magic's Plan: Lifeline Hooks

In response to the widespread issues caused by some of the Lost Worlds, and the general destabilisation of the fabric of reality, the avatar of Magic divulged a means to anchor parts of the Hundred Realms to Magic itself by creating “Lifeline Hooks”. These Hooks require three Defining Moments that are relevant to the place that wants to be anchored to Magic and the sacrifice of something meaningful to anchor the story of the place being anchored.

Lifeline Hooks can be created at the Font of Magic and placed either in Conquest by the General of a Realm or on Quests and Vignettes if there is a force preventing this.

Camelot Reforged, Cedunon Joins Albion

The first Lifeline Hook has been placed in Camelot itself, anchoring Albion to Magic and casting out Behemoth's Gateway. In the aftermath, the Realm of Cedunon swore fealty to Albion once more and its lands and people are now part of the much larger Albion. This gives Albion not only the largest Realm, but by calling on the Green Knights of Cedunon it has a significantly larger army (if only to defend its significantly more numerous borders).

Lost Magic Available For All

As the Lost Worlds have become more at home in the Hundred Realms, they have begun to offer tuition in their strange magics to those who would learn. The exact powers of these magics vary wildly, but they are all known to have differing effects and resources. None of them require Beans.

OC: Anyone may swap out a Skill to take the new 'Lost Magician' Skill (email to do this). By taking ‘Lost Magician’ as one of your two chosen skills before the game begins you are granted access to and the resources for two of the forms of magic listed below - specify which when you email us. You can pick up Lost Magician in play, but you will not receive any resources

The Deadline for changing to Lost Magician is Sunday 8th September 2024.

Full details can be found on the new Lost Magic page.

  • Arcane Calculus (Thule)
  • Classpect (The Colleges)
  • Dreamcrafting (Dream)
  • Egg Surprise (Anatine Empire)
  • Experience (Tomorrow)
  • Hypergeometrimancy (Meister’s World)
  • Influence (House of Cards)
  • Inheritance (Court of Knives and Shadows)
  • Powerful Persona (Everglade Academy)
  • Mana Savant (The Elegant Harmony)
  • Martial Lore (The Plane of Eternal War)

Once chosen you may not swap out which two items are chosen from the list after the start of the event.

You may hold both the Mage Skill (bean magic) and the Lost Magician skill as your two skills but there will be severe consequences related to attempting to wield two antithetical forms of magic.

Strange Changes

As Magic's power continues to change and fluctuate, the importance of different patterns within the Hundred Realms have become notably important. Beyond just the signs in the Stars or particular resonances with different icons and fortunes, Magic identified a large number of “Archetypes” – roles for individuals who best embody a certain pattern of being – that have the ability to make changes in the world.

All of these, such as the Ruler or the Scholar, have direct links to known astrological constellations, and a number of publications are in circulation that explain what the different “Astratypes” are. Whatever they are and however they form, it is clear that there is powerful magic at work in embodying these Archetypes, and at the end of the last gathering, some in Camelot who had proven themselves worthy of claiming an Archetype received the ability to influence the world.

The effects of these changes are still not widely known, though some are inherently clear as individuals develop new capabilities seemingly overnight. These changes also come into play as the Star of the Future – significant to Cerrid Astrology – is placed in the sky in the constellation of the Scholar.

OC - Due to changes in the world, some Characters will receive bonus abilities. This is an In Character development and you may act as surprised as you would like:

  • If you do not have the Mage skill: Once per 12 hours you may call RESIST to a call that targets you.
  • If you have of the skills listed below: Once per event you may give a heroic battlecry and restore yourself to your maximum number of hitpoints. You may do this even if you are bleeding out.
    • Qualifying Skills: Armour Training, Ambidextrous, Shield Use, Stout, Two-Handed Weapon Fighting


Thanks to a sudden universal realisation brought about by the stars, it has become possible for Forces to move across the world with increased speed at the cost of their supplies. As such, Generals can now pay Riel (exact cost to be determined) to move their Forces more than one Territory at a time.

Envy Killed By Gwrtheryn Thornsbane; Nemesis Bond Loses Power as do Envy Enchantments

The Green Dragon, Envy, has been killed! By the might of Penmortid's General, the detestable beast was brought low and defeated once and for all. Penmortid stands strong and Gwrtheryn readies to join the ranks of the Ancestors as the legendary dragonslayer, Thornsbane.

In the aftermath, the Dragons have been concerned and Lust in particular has been known to be livid. Magical experts have become concerned too as the Nemesis Bond suddenly ceased to have any power the morning after Envy's death. Exactly what this means for the Draconic Equilibrium of Bonds is unclear. Further, the few talented Mages with Enchantments powered by Envy found that that those Enchantments ceased to have any power. These deteriorations were slow at first, but accelerated after it became clear that Envy was not going to be immediately revived.

OC - Any existing Nemesis Bond or Draconic Enchantment associated with Envy has gradually lost power and ceased to work. It may be possible to revive it.

Public Alliances

Some Alliances are well known in the world and we deemed it appropriate to list them here. If you would like us to add your Alliance to this list please contact us. The exact agreement of each Alliance will vary and we stress there is no “standard alliance” - this is simply information we are presenting to help understand the world.

The Alliance Against The Harmony

The Alliance Against The Harmony sees the cooperation of Realms that have been threatened by the Harmony, bound together by Rootin the Goblin:

This Alliance is bound magically.

The Treaty of Iron and Wood

The Treaty of Iron and Wood is a publicly known Alliance of Realms found toward the tributaries of the river surrounding Camelot and consists of:

This Alliance is bound magically.

Vassal State of Cedunon

The Realm of Cedunon has sworn fealty to Albion and is a Vassal State of Albion. Its armies can be commanded by General Morgana Pendragon or General Graer Pharrell.

This Alliance is bound magically.

Vassal State of Feathermoor

The Realm of Feathermoor remains as a Vassal State of Fiobha, with the larger Realm pledging its protection to it publicly. Those who cross Cora will cross Muireall MacRòn as well.

This Alliance is bound magically, though Feathermoor currently lacks lands as they have been consumed by Tomorrow.

The Goblin-Ridings Treaty

The Goblin Lands have made a treaty with the Ridings that was bound by Jeremiah Gubbins.

This Alliance is bound magically.

Serian-Penmortid Friendship

Sera and Penmortid have been working closely together but have no agreed alliance.

state_of_the_world_6.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/15 20:59 by katie