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Next Event

Event 6 of Tales Untold will take place on 5-7th April 2024 at Kinver Scout Camp.

There are 75 player spaces and 50 crew spaces available at each Event. Player spaces cost £80 (£50 for Concessions), Crew spaces are free but Crew will need to purchase Meal Tickets. Payment by PayPal to Katie Moore - you must use the Friends and Family option when sending payment otherwise we lose a substantial amount of ticket costs to PayPal's fees (we are not a business!) - or contact us for other means of paying.

Meal Tickets are booked separately and cost £30 for both Players and Crew.

The price of the Player Ticket covers:

  • Access to the site
  • Funding the many props and costumes we use across the weekend
  • Enabling us to buy tents that can be used to provide more areas and facets to the game
  • Enabling us to hire a van to transport the game to the site
  • Offsetting the cost for Crew so we can bring more to the game

Booking Forms for Chapter 6: 5-7th April 2024

Event 6 Deadlines

E5 Plot Point Deadline: 5th November 2023 - after this point we cannot guarantee we'll be able to write backstory information or plot interests from E5 into the event but will do what we can.
Main Booking Deadline: 5th January 2024
Character Submission Deadline: 5th January 2024 - characters submitted after this point may only have minimal writing team support for E5.
Late Booking / Cancellation Deadline: 5th March 2024

Getting there

Directions to Kinver Scout Camp can be found on their website at Please follow these, not your SatNav as the area is not covered by all map software. In particular, some SatNavs may attempt to send you down a road alongside St Peter's Church - this is not a suitable route.

If arriving by car, please park in the main car park. If you arrive before 6pm you will be able to take your car onto site to unload after you have signed in at the Check-in desk. Your cars will need to remain in the car park at the entrance during the event.

There is a 5mph speed limit around the site. Breaking this is grounds for immediate expulsion from the site. Cars will not be permitted beyond the car park after 6pm on Friday or before 1pm on Sunday.


By default, attendees will need to camp. Camping will be Out of Character and no tents can be provided by the site.

We are able to provide limited indoor accommodation during this event with a priority given to those with access needs and to Crew first. The accommodation will take the form of a bunk house - bedding and mattresses not guaranteed to be provided. We have a further limited gender-separated indoor accommodation that we can provide for attendees who are not male. Please inform us either on your booking form or by emailing us if you would like indoor accommodation and we will assign based on needs.

There are a number of wheelchair accessible toilets and showers with constant electricity - anyone heading to the main building for these reasons will of course be presumed OC.


Catering will be being provided by Conspiracy Catering and is included in your ticket. The cost of food will be included in the Ticket Price, so please specify any dietary requirements when making your booking.

COVID-19 Status

For Chapter 6 we will continue to keep our eye on the situation and will perform an assessment of our COVID Policy's suitability in March 2024.

Booked Attendees

As per our Safe Community Policy, here is a list of people who are currently booked to attend Chapter 6:

Crew (12/50)

  • Anna M (Head Ref)
  • Judith M (Magic Ref)
  • Katie M (Head Ref)
  • Cat P
  • Caz J
  • Charlotte D
  • Jen B
  • Jessie M
  • Josh H
  • Phil B
  • Theo L
  • Verity S
  • Kirstine H (The Sauceress)

Players (31/75)

  • Adam G
  • Adam P
  • Adrian A
  • Alex C
  • Alice T
  • Amy A
  • Amy B
  • Cameron M
  • Chris P
  • Connor W
  • Elynor K
  • Gareth C
  • Gina M
  • James B
  • Jonathan K
  • Kane E
  • Katy T
  • Lilith H
  • Michael S
  • Mike C
  • Naomi L
  • Ninfa H
  • Quinn W
  • Peter W
  • Rosemary C
  • Rosie W
  • Sarah L
  • Sheridan R
  • Tim K
  • Zac S
next_event.1700745402.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/23 13:16 by katie