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Hundred Realms

Once a united kingdom under Arthur before the Fall of Camelot, the Hundred Realms are what stand after years and years of fighting amongst monarchs and generals: a huge multitude of realms, each with a different culture and way of life; some vying for supremacy, others simply trying to deal with the next ogre attack. It's said that no two realms are alike, and this is yet to be proven false.

Despite their differences, each Realm has maintained the need for:

  • A Name by which to call themselves
  • A Flag under which to march
  • A Monarch for whom to fight (who may be the same person as the General)
    • A Monarch may:
      • Collect Resources from the Realm
      • Influence which Quests may occur in their Realm
      • Trade away the Territories of their Realm
      • Deliver speeches of importance for the Realm
  • A General to deliver the Orders (who may be the same person as the Monarch)
    • A General may deliver Orders in Conquest

While some Realms have stuck to the old religion, worshipping The God of Albion, others have devoted themselves to new (or arguably older) Gods, or forsaken religion entirely.

Presented here are all Realms, and their territories, that currently exist and are known.

hundred_realms.1576674139.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/18 13:02 by katie