−Table of Contents
This is an old revision of the document!
- You can make Bonds with other characters.
- Bonds will be created by following a certain number of steps or requirements that exist
- When you make a Bond it gives each party one mechanical benefit and one roleplaying effect.
- There are ways to break Bonds, but these are not generally known.
- When you have met enough conditions for the bond (and do be honest!) seek out a Ref to create it.
Available Bonds
Best of Friends
- Both parties must be consenting to the Bond
- Neither party currently has a Best of Friends Bond
- Any three from:
- You have both been involved in a Defining Moment's description in a way which emphasises the nature of this bond
- You have prevented the other from receiving a Mortal Wound
- You have gone on at least 1 Quest together
- You have been in at least 1 Joust together (on the same side)
- One has at some point given a Blessing to the other
- A Knight of Camelot has declared that you are “Greater Friends Than Any Other”
Mechanical Effect: +1 hit when on a Quest or in a Melee or Joust alongside your Best Friend.
Roleplaying Effect: You feel confident in the presence of your Best Friend
True Love
- Both parties must be consenting to the Bond
- Neither party currently has a True Love Bond
- Any three from:
- One has declared a Joust for the honour of the other
- You have both been involved in a Defining Moment's description in a way which emphasises the nature of this bond
- You have declared your love for each other publicly at Camelot in front of the Monarchs of your respective Realms (or singular Monarch if you are from the same Realm)
- Someone beside yourselves has expressly forbidden you from creating this Bond
- One has stepped down as Monarch or General at the bequest of the other
- A Knight of Camelot has declared that your “Love Is Like No Other”
Mechanical Effect: You may take the effect of a Curse in the place of your True Love. This can only happen once per curse and at any time after the curse has been cast by informing a Ref. The person who placed the Curse will be informed. In addition to this a HEAL from your true love restores you to full hits.
Roleplaying Effect: You feel serene in the presence of your True Love.
- Neither party currently has a Nemeses Bond
- Any three from:
- One has fought the other in a Joust
- One has reduced the other to 0 hits
- One has led an invasion of the other's Realm - either by ordering it in conquest, having it loudly declared by your Monarch or by using the Wanderer skill to take a quest into their territory.
- One has Cursed the other or contributed blood to one
- One has caused the other to fail a Quest
- A Knight of Camelot has declared that your “Hatred For Each Other Knows No Bounds”
Mechanical Effect: When contributing Blood to the cost for Curses against your Nemesis, those they are Bonded to (excepting their other Nemeses), and their home Realm, you lose 1 fewer body hit. (e.g. 1 Blood cost is free, 2 Blood cost is 1 hit, etc)
Roleplaying Effect: You feel irrational hatred at the mere mention of your Nemesis.
Most Trusted Servant
This is a bond between a Master and Servant - you must state who is who on creation of the bond.
- Both parties must be consenting to the Bond
- The Servant is not the Most Trusted Servant of any other
- The Master cannot already have a Most Trusted Servant Bond as Master or Servant
- You do not have a Nemesis bond together
- Any three from:
- The Servant has provided resources which the Master has used to create a scroll
- The Servant has facilitated the Master's creation of another Bond
- The Servant has fought on the Master's behalf in a Joust
- The Servant has prevented the Master from receiving a Mortal Wound
- The Servant has collected resources in stead of the Master on at least one occasion
- A Knight of Camelot has declared “I Wish I Had A Squire As Trustworthy As Yours”
Mechanical Effect: Once an Event, a Most Trusted Servant may collect twice the number of resources that their Master could collect if sent in their stead.
Roleplaying Effect: Masters feel inherent trust in their Servants at all times.
Sage Mage
This is a bond between a Sage Mage and a Student - you must state who is who on creation of the bond.
- Neither the Student nor the Sage must be Student of another Sage Mage
- You do not have a Nemesis bond together
- Any three from:
- The Student has ignored the Sage's advice and Miscast a spell as consequence
- The Student has brought knowledge of a new spell to the Sage
- The Sage has blessed the Student
- The Sage has provided resources that the Student has used to create a scroll
- The Sage has taught a new spell to the Student (and they cast it correctly)
- Merlin has declared to the Student that “You Could Learn A Lot From This One”
Mechanical Effect: With your Sage present, you may reattempt a Miscast spell once every 12 hours by informing the Magic Ref of this bond when they inform you the spell is miscast.
Roleplaying Effect: The Sage feels a duty of care over their Student and a desire to teach them.
Wise Mentor
This is a bond between a Mentor and Apprentice - you must state who is who on creation of the bond.
- Neither the Apprentice nor the Mentor must not be an Apprentice of another Mentor
- You do not have a Nemesis bond together
- Any three from:
- The Apprentice has declared (or offered to surrender) a Joust on the advice of the Mentor
- One has created a Defining Moment featuring the other in a way which emphasises the nature of this bond
- The Apprentice has ignored the advice of the Mentor to their detriment
- The Mentor has Stepped Down from a position which the Apprentice Stepped Up into
- The Apprentice has made a public decision on the advice of the Mentor. This can be any of:
Mechanical Effect: With the Mentor actively instructing at the time, the Student may use one of the Mentor's skills. (e.g. Giving instructions on how to block with a shield, while the student is being attacked and is holding a shield.)
Roleplaying Effect: The Student feels a desire to learn from their Mentor