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conquest [2023/06/11 12:12] annaconquest [2024/08/15 20:58] (current) katie
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   * Each Phase, a Monarch may collect Resources generated by the Territories in their Realm by presenting their crest (or sending someone to do so in their stead) to One of the Conquest Refs . These do not accumulate if not collected. If a Realm has no Monarch or nobody to go in their stead then its Resources cannot be collected. Resources will be collected in Strongholds for the realm, so if a realm does not control a Stronghold then that realm will not be able to collect supplies.   * Each Phase, a Monarch may collect Resources generated by the Territories in their Realm by presenting their crest (or sending someone to do so in their stead) to One of the Conquest Refs . These do not accumulate if not collected. If a Realm has no Monarch or nobody to go in their stead then its Resources cannot be collected. Resources will be collected in Strongholds for the realm, so if a realm does not control a Stronghold then that realm will not be able to collect supplies.
   * When the Conquest table is open, anyone may cast a Spell on the Conquest table by handing the Spell to one of the Conquest Refs. This Spells will only be activated and resolved after the phase has ended, before the rest of the orders are resolved.   * When the Conquest table is open, anyone may cast a Spell on the Conquest table by handing the Spell to one of the Conquest Refs. This Spells will only be activated and resolved after the phase has ended, before the rest of the orders are resolved.
-  * There are 5 Phases per event, [[Events#Schedule|times listed here]].  These Phases are 2 hours long.+  * There are 5 Phases per event, [[Events#Schedule|times listed here]].  These Phases are roughly 2 hours long.
 Orders will not last between phases. Once an order has been submitted, it cannot be taken back Orders will not last between phases. Once an order has been submitted, it cannot be taken back
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   * **Attack** a specified adjacent Territory to reduce its Strength by 1 for the rest of the Phase. The attacking Force does not move.   * **Attack** a specified adjacent Territory to reduce its Strength by 1 for the rest of the Phase. The attacking Force does not move.
     * A Force that chooses to Attack the Territory it is currently occupying will destroy any Improvement present, reduce all outputs to 0 and yield the destroyed output of that Territory to the Force's owner.     * A Force that chooses to Attack the Territory it is currently occupying will destroy any Improvement present, reduce all outputs to 0 and yield the destroyed output of that Territory to the Force's owner.
 +    * This can also be used to destroy Gateways.
 ===Movement:=== ===Movement:===
 If a Territory is friendly, or has strength is at 0 or less after Attacks, Fortifies, and Spells have been resolved, then a Territory may be moved into. Depending on the type of movement a force does, may or may change the ownership of the Territory it has moved into. If multiple Realms are attempting to move into a territory, the total number of Move, Invade, and Support orders for each realm will be combined, and the Realm with the highest total successfully moves into the territory, with other competing orders failing.  Forces that have been upgraded magically to have a higher "Invasion Strength" count as multiple Forces for the purposes of calculating the highest number of moves. If a Territory is friendly, or has strength is at 0 or less after Attacks, Fortifies, and Spells have been resolved, then a Territory may be moved into. Depending on the type of movement a force does, may or may change the ownership of the Territory it has moved into. If multiple Realms are attempting to move into a territory, the total number of Move, Invade, and Support orders for each realm will be combined, and the Realm with the highest total successfully moves into the territory, with other competing orders failing.  Forces that have been upgraded magically to have a higher "Invasion Strength" count as multiple Forces for the purposes of calculating the highest number of moves.
   * **Move** into a specified adjacent Territory with Strength 0 or lower, or belonging to the same Realm as the Force. This does not claim the Territory.   * **Move** into a specified adjacent Territory with Strength 0 or lower, or belonging to the same Realm as the Force. This does not claim the Territory.
 +    * As of Chapter 7, an amount of Riel can be paid to move a Force through multiple adjacent Territories at a time.
   * **Invade** into a specified adjacent Territory with Strength 0 or lower. If successful, this claims the Territory for the attacking Realm.   * **Invade** into a specified adjacent Territory with Strength 0 or lower. If successful, this claims the Territory for the attacking Realm.
   * **Support** the Invade Order of another Force. This counts as an Invasion, but if successful the Force will not enter the Territory and it will be ceded to the Force you supported. Mutual Support orders fail - someone must be leading the Invasion.   * **Support** the Invade Order of another Force. This counts as an Invasion, but if successful the Force will not enter the Territory and it will be ceded to the Force you supported. Mutual Support orders fail - someone must be leading the Invasion.
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 Example plays for Conquest can be found on [[Conquest Examples|this page]].  The sheer number of combinations of Orders, and the unpredictable influence of Magic, means that we couldn't possibly cover everything that may occur, but hopefully the examples found there will shed some light on how some interactions will work. Example plays for Conquest can be found on [[Conquest Examples|this page]].  The sheer number of combinations of Orders, and the unpredictable influence of Magic, means that we couldn't possibly cover everything that may occur, but hopefully the examples found there will shed some light on how some interactions will work.
 +===== Alliances =====
 +  * Certain Realms have bound themselves together under the terms of a magical alliance.
 +  * Under the terms of such Alliances, Forces from those Realms may move freely through the Territories of their Allies even if they are occupied by another Force (provided that Force is also allied to them).
 +  * Territories and Forces from Allied Realms are not considered to be Hostile to one another.
 +  * Certain Alliances may have more specific conditions.
 +===== Vassal Realms =====
 +  * A Realm can become a Vassal of another Realm by signed agreement of Vassal Realm's Monarch and General (or just the one if only one is present).
 +  * If the Vassal Realm's General crest still exists, both Vassal Realm and Overlord Realm can put in orders for the Vassal Realm's forces.
 +  * If one of the two has already put in orders, the General presenting Orders will be told there are already orders in (they can always choose to add more to the box). We can be asked which forces the orders are for but we will NOT tell anyone what the orders are.
conquest.1686485568.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/11 12:12 by anna