Table of Contents

Territory Improvements

Realms are not just made for war - the people of the Hundred Realms have homes to customise and improve both to their own benefit and to the benefit of the Realm at large. These are known as Improvements.

While Conquest is open, anyone from a Realm may spend money to construct an Improvement on a Territory within their own Realm. These are added straight onto the Conquest Table since they do not affect Combat Resolution.

Only one Improvement of each type may be added to a Territory (but multiple may exist through a Realm) with the exception of Features (which may be stacked). Improvements have both effects for the Realm and for the People. The more of a type of Improvement there is in a Realm, the greater that influence will be.

Improvements are always permanent and may only be destroyed with Magic or by an occupying Conquest Force using the Attack Order to raze the Improvement for money.

Improvement Types

Library - 90R

Sanctuary - 81R

Mine - 72R

Courthouse - 63R

Theatre - 54R

Woods - 45R

Farm - 36R

Feature - 18R