Table of Contents

Spell List

There are an infinite number of Spells, the limit being only the creativity of the caster, but the effects and costs can vary wildly as Magic fluctuates and the unprepared have been known to suffer. Thankfully, some effects have been known to remain stable with their effects and prices remaining fixed and predictable. Some such spells have been made publicly known by Mages across the Hundred Realms and are detailed here.

To use a scroll you must open it and read its full effect before continuing. Reading a scroll takes your full attention and you cannot fight or defend yourself during this time. If the Scroll states that it must be shown to the target then they must read it instead. Remember: anyone can open and use a scroll!

This list is not even close to exhaustive!

Combat Spells

Air Blast

Air Blast
Cost 3 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect For the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU REPEL at the target

Air Blast - Immediate

Air Blast - Immediate
Cost 2 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Immediately call YOU REPEL at the target

Air Blast - Short Range

Air Blast - Short Range
Cost 2 Beans
Target Any within 5m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU REPEL at the target

Air Blast - Arc

Air Blast - Arc
Cost 4 Beans
Target Caster
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU LOT: REPEL


Cost 3 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU DISARM at the target

Butterfingers - Immediate

Butterfingers - Immediate
Cost 2 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Immediately call YOU DISARM at the target

Butterfingers - Short Range

Butterfingers - Short Range
Cost 2 Beans
Target Any within 5m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU DISARM at the target

Butterfingers - Arc

Butterfingers - Arc
Cost 4 Beans
Target Caster
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU LOT: DISARM

Concussive Bolt

Concussive Bolt
Cost 3 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU STRIKEDOWN at the target

Concussive Bolt - Immediate

Concussive Bolt - Immediate
Cost 2 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Immediately call YOU STRIKEDOWN at the target

Concussive Bolt - Short Range

Concussive Bolt - Short Range
Cost 2 Beans
Target Any within 5m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU STRIKEDOWN at the target

Concussive Bolt - Arc

Concussive Bolt - Arc
Cost 4 Beans
Target Caster
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU LOT: STRIKEDOWN


Cost 4 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Once within 30 minutes you may call YOU REND at the target

Fireball - Immediate

Fireball - Immediate
Cost 3 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Immediately call YOU REND at the target

Fireball - Short Range

Fireball - Short Range
Cost 3 Beans
Target Any within 5m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU REND at the target

Fireball - Arc

Fireball - Arc
Cost 6 Beans
Target Caster
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU LOT: REND

Healing Light

Healing Light
Cost 3 Beans
Target Any within 10m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes, you may call YOU HEAL at the target

Hold Person

Hold Person
Cost 6 Beans
Target A Human within 10m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes you may call YOU: HOLD at the target

Hold Monster

Hold Monster
Cost 5 Beans
Target A Monster within 10m
Effect Once in the next 30 minutes you may call YOU: HOLD at the target

Ice Blast

Ice Blast
Cost 8 Beans
Target 90-degree arc
Effect Immediately call YOU LOT: HOLD

Mage Shield

Mage Shield
Cost 5 Beans
Target Caster
Effect For the next hour after casting, the target may form a Mage Shield by keeping a fist out in front of them. This provides +2 hits until they are lost or the spell ends and all damage to the arm may be ignored as if the arm were a shield (i.e. effects still apply)


Note: Blessings are delivered to their targets by a servant of Magic upon creation and each Mage may only have 1 active Blessing at a time.

Blessing of Great Weapons

Blessing of the Mighty Warrior
Cost 15 Beans
Target (named by Creator) Example: Erica the Bold
Condition (named by Creator) Example: While the target never knowingly tells a lie.
Effect Target gains 2 maximum body hits when wielding a two-handed weapoon.

Blessing of the Guardian

Blessing of the Mighty Warrior
Cost 20 Beans + 1 Defining Moment
Target (named by Creator) Example: Erica the Bold
Condition (named by Creator) Example: While the target never knowingly tells a lie.
Effect For the next 24 hours or until the Condition is broken, the target may wield a shield.

Blessing of the Mighty Warrior

Blessing of the Mighty Warrior
Cost 15 Beans
Target (named by Creator) Example: Erica the Bold
Condition (named by Creator) Example: While the target never knowingly tells a lie.
Effect Target gains 2 uses of STRIKEDOWN by melee blow and 1 use of RESIST STRIKEDOWN every 30 minutes.


Note: Curses are delivered to their targets by a servant of Magic upon creation and each Mage may only have 1 active Curse at a time.

Curse of Clumsiness

Curse of Clumsiness
Cost 15 Beans, 1 Blood, 1 Weapon
Target (named by Creator) Example: Allie the Upshot
Condition (named by Creator) Example: Until Roderick is Monarch no more.
Effect Every effect call that strikes the Target's weapon also confers the effect of DISARM.

Conquest Spells

Note: Conquest Spells are only proven effective if the Scrolls themselves are handed in alongside Orders on the Conquest Table.

Arcane Harvest

Arcane Harvest (8)
Cost 8 Beans
Target One Territory on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Aelaris where the owning Realm's current Bean Production is 8 Beans
Effect This territory has its Bean output increased by 1 if the Realm's Production is currently 8 Beans, otherwise nothing happens.

Notes on Arcane Harvest:

Bountiful Harvest

Bountiful Harvest
Cost 6 Beans
Target One Territory on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Aelaris
Effect This territory improves its resource output (either yielding a resource of a particular crop, or setting the output to 27R, depending on the Caster's choice when making the spell).


Cost 8 Beans
Target One Territory on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Aelaris
Effect The Strength of the target Territory is increased by 1 for this Phase

March on the Wind

March on the Wind
Cost 8 Beans
Target One Force on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: The Second Force of Scoraxia
Effect The specified Force may make its Move order to a Territory of the same Realm provided that Territory contains a Stronghold.

Nullify Attack Order

Nullify Attack Order
Cost 8 Beans
Target One Force on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Second Aelarian Force
Effect Specified Force is unable to follow Attack Orders given to it this Phase.

Notes on Nullify Attack Order:

Protection from Magic

Nullify Orders
Cost 8 Beans
Target One Territory on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Aelaris
Effect All Spells cast on this Territory this Phase are ignored.

Raise Arms (Lesser)

Raise Arms (Lesser)
Cost 15 Beans
Target One Territory on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Aelaris
Effect Provided at most one other Force is owned by the Realm, a second Force is created on the Territory in the name of the owning Realm.

Signs and Portents

Signs and Portents
Cost 2 Beans
Target One Territory on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Aelaris
Effect An effect (specified by the Creator) manifests over this Territory during the upcoming Conquest Phase.


Cost 8 Beans
Target One Territory on the Conquest Table (specified by Creator) Example: Aelaris
Effect The Strength of the target Territory is reduced by 1 for this Phase.

Utility Spells

Arcane Knowledge

Arcane Knowledge
Cost 6 Beans
Target Caster
Effect The Caster may ask for information on the Cost of a Spell

Notes on Arcane Knowledge:


Cost 2 Beans
Target Caster
Effect The Caster may ask a yes/no question of the world and receive an answer.

Notes on Clairvoyance


Cost 4 Beans
Target Caster
Effect The Caster may ask for information about a topic and will receive an answer.

Notes on Divination


Cost 9 Beans
Target Caster
Effect The Caster may ask a specific question about the world or metaphysics and will receive an answer.

Notes on Scrying